Tomasz Skweres
Foto credits to: UNISON SHOT
– June 2025: “Suite Macabre” for cello solo by Tomasz Skweres has been chosen in an international call for scores to by performed at the WORLD NEW MUSIC DAYS 2025 in Portugal in a recital of Filipe Quaresma on 3.6.2025.
– June 2025: Szymon Marciniak plays the world of “Partita Surreale” for double bass solo by Tomasz Skweres at his recital in the International Society of Bassists Convention 2025 in Tallahassee in Florida, USA on 4.6.2025
– June 2025: Concertino for Strings „Schönheit des Verfalls“ by Tomasz Skweres has been chosen in a call for scores to by preformed on 29.6.2025 in the Festival aDevantgarde in Munich by Munich Chamber Orchestra.
– March 2025: Tomasz Skweres winns the 2024 Ithaca College-Heckscher Foundation International Composition Prize with his work „Axon“ for flute and clarinet.
– February 2025: Tomasz Skweres winns the compositions competition “Bayerischer Kompositionspreis 2025” and become a commision to write a new composition for the via-nova-choir Munich under the baton of Kerstin Behnke. The piece will be recorded on CD and premiered in 2025.
– January 2025: „Seven Affects“ for Violine and Cello by Tomasz Skweres was selected as Runner-up in the international composition competition Cortona Prize 2025.
– November 2024: “Suite Macabre” for Cello solo by Tomasz Skweres have been chosen in an international call for scores of the ISCM to be performed at ISCM World New Music Days 2025 in Portugal – one of the most important and biggest international festivals for contemporary music.
– November 2024: Tomasz Skweres receives Kulturförderpreis der Stadt Regensburg 2024 - Kulture Prize of the city of Regensburg 2024. The prize award ceremony takes place on 13.11.2014 in Theater Regensburg.
– November 2024: Łukasz Długosz and Agata Kielar-Długosz with Cappella Gedanensis perform the world premiere of a new concerto for two flutes and string orchestra by Tomasz Skweres on 14.11.2024 in Gdańsk and on 17.11.2024 in Gdynia in Poland.
– October 2024, Francisco Escudero” International Accordion Composition Competition: “Fear” for accordion solo received the special prize and will by performed at the the prize ceremony concert in Modelo Theatre
– October 2024: Tomasz Skweres, as a chairman of the society for contemporary music Unternehmen Gegenwart, welcomes you to the fourth edition of the MUSIKFESTIVAL UNTERNEHMEN GEGENWART on 11.-13. October in Regensburg. The Festival consists of 5 concerts with music by more than 20 contemporary composers, among others with 2 Works for Cello solo by Tomasz Skweres: “Litania” and “Transformations”.
– Oktober 2024: Chamber Orchestera of the University of Regensburg performs Ligament for Orchestra by Tomasz Skweres on 27.10.2024 in Audimax Regensburg. At the same concert Tomasz Skweres performs the cello solo part of Sinfonia Concertante by Joseph Haydn.
– September 2024: Release of the first monographic CD of Tomasz Skweres by the CD Label DUX, financed by the Publicity Prize 2022 of SKE Austromechana.
– July 2024: Tomasz Skweres wins with his string trio “Elusive Thoughts” the 1. Prize of the International Composer Compotition "ANDREA CERASO" ROME AWARD.
– June 2024: 16.6.2024 Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb, Croatia – Tomasz Skweres performs his piece „Paysage Intime“ for cello solo and string orchestra with the Croatian chamber orchestra Hrvatski Komorni Orchestar under the baton of Valentin Egel.
– April 2024: Schleswig-Holstein Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Ingo Martin Stadtmüller on tour in northern Germany with “Ligament” for Orchestra by Tomasz Skweres:
17.4.24 Flensburg, Theater
18.4.24 Heide
19.4.24 Rendsburg
21.4.24 Flensburg, Theater
23.4.24 Schleswig
24.4.24 Itzehoe
25.4.24 Husum
– February 2024: Duo Aliada and Stuttgarter Kammerorchester (Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra) perform the world premiere of „Balkan Novella“ by Tomasz Skweres for saxophone and accordion solo and string orchestra, on 3.2.2024 in Hospitalhof Stuttgart, Paul-Lechler-Saal, Stuttgart, Germany.
– December 2023: Musikverein Vienna – Ensemble Kontrapunkte under the baton of Gottfried Rabl performs on 4.12.2023 „Event Horizon“ for large Ensemble by Tomasz Skweres.
– November 2023: Tomasz Skweres is invited by the Meridian Festival in Bucharest to play a recital on 6.11.2023 with contemporary works for cello solo by Austrian, Polish and Romanian Composers including his own piece “Suite Macabre”.
– November 2023: Festival Wien Modern – world premiere of „Angststarre“ for accordion solo as a part of the Solorecital of Bogdan Laketic in Alte Schmiede in Vienna on 5.11.2023
– November 2023: Festival 60. Music Tribune Osijek 2023, Croatia – Ensemble Quasars performs on 5.11.2023 “Nyos” for violin and cello by Tomasz Skweres.
– October 2023: 14th international festival of contemporary music Musicolomouc, 25.10.2023, Olomouc, Czech Republic – Ensemble Quasars performs „Elusive Thoughts“ for string trio as a part of the composer portrait of the Austrian composer Daniel Oliver Moser
– October 2023: world premiere of a new piece for symphonic orchestra by Tomasz Skweres on 2.10.2023 and 5.10.2023 in Theater Regensburg, played by Phiharmonic Orchestra Regensburg under the baton of Stefan Veselka.
– September/Oktober 2023: NOVOFLOT opera company – world premiere of a new music theatre miniature for two sopranos and 3 instruments by Tomasz Skweres to a libretto by U. Holbein. 29.9.2023, 29.9.2023, 30.9.2023 and 1.10.2023, Academy of Arts at Pariser Platz, Berlin
– September 2023: Festival Klangspuren, Tyrol, Austria – Michael Krenn performs “Tactless Whisper” for bariton saxophone solo by Tomasz Skweres on 17.9.2023.
– June 2023: 48th International Viola Congress in Salaya, Thailand – Krzysztof Kommentaren-Tymendorf performs on 7.6.2023 the world premiere of “Enigmatic Pathways” by Tomasz Skweres.
– May 2023: Festival Poznań Spring - Ensemble Max Brand from Austria performs on 26.5.2023 “Axon” for flute and clarinet by Tomasz Skweres
– May 2023: world premiere of „Paysage Intime“ for cello and string orchestra by Joanna Sachryn, for whom the piece is dedicated, and Madrid Festival Orchestra under the baton of Albert Skuratov, on 13.5.2023 in Parroquia Santisima Trinidad in Collado Villalba near Madrid.
– April 2023: Tomasz Skweres performs the cello solo part of Sinfonia Concertante by Joseph Haydn on 24.4.2023 and 27.4.2023 in Theater Regensburg, together with Kai-Na Syu (Oboe), Carlotta Brendel (Bassoon), Johannes Plewa (Violin) and the Philharmonic Orchestra Regensburg under the baton of Tom Woods.
– April 2023: Contemporary Music orchestra at NOSPR in Katowice, Poland – world premiere of „Denuo“ for soprano and large ensemble by Tomasz Skweres, performed by Joanna Freszel and Contemporary Music Orchestra under the baton of Szymon Bywalec on 16.04.2023.
– February 2023: performance of Concertino for string orchestra in Wiener Musikverein in Vienna by Wiener Concert- Verein under the Baton of Pablo Boggiano on 3.2.2023
- October 2022: World premiere of a new piece for symphonic orchestra cvomissioned by Theater Regensburg/Philharmonic Orchestra Regensburg on 3.10.22 and 6.10.2022 in Theater Regensburg in Germany.
- September 2022: Festival Warsaw Autumn - Daniela Hölbling performes „Impact“ and „Deuterium“ for violin solo on 20.9.2022 in Austrian Culture Forum in Warsaw
- May 2022: Tomasz Skweres is the winner of the Publicity Prize 2022 of the Austromechana
- May 2022: Tomasz Skweres wins with his piece „Event Horizon“ the third prize of the international composition competition Martirano Award 2022 of the University of Illinois School of Music. The piece will be performedby the Illinois Modern Ensemble on the 26th Annual Martirano Award Concert on September 29, 2022 in Smith Recital Hall on the campus of the University of Illinois.
- May 2022: Festival Musica Polonica Nova, National Forum of Music, Wroclaw, Poland -performance of Concertino for String Orchestra by Tomasz Skweres played by Leopoldinum Orchestra under the baton of Christian Danowicz.
- May 2022: Festival Poznańska Wiosna Muzyczna (Poznań Music Spring) - concert of Duo Kaoko Amano (soprano) and Tomasz Skweres (cello) on 29.5.2022 in the Academic Music Theatre Olympia in Poznań in Poland with contemporary music, among others with two works by Tomasz Skweres - „Firmamente“ and „Gebet“.
- Dezember 2021: Composer Portrait Concerts of Tomasz Skweres in Warsaw on 9.12.2021 and Bratislava on 13.12.2021 played by Ensemble Quasars.
- November 2021:World Premiere of the Concerto for Cello and Orchestra on 4.11.2021 and 8.11.2021 in Theater Regensburg played by Piotr Skweres as a soloist with Philharmonic Orchestra Regensburg under the baton of Generalmusikdirektor Chin-Chiao Lin
- November 2021: release of the monographic CD of the Composer Mateusz Ryczek with Tomasz Skweres as a soloist and with Duo Skweres by the DUX Recording Producers
- October 2021:Interview with Tomasz Skweres in the most important polish music magazine “RUCH MUZYCZNY”
- October 2021: Tomasz Skweres, as a chairman of the society for contemporary music Unternehmen Gegenwart, welcomes you to the first edition of the MUSIKFESTIVAL UNTERNEHMEN GEGENWART on 1. and 2. October in Regensburg. The Festival consists of 5 concerts with music by more than 20 contemporary composers, among others with 3 Works by Tomasz
- September 2021:Tomasz Skweres wins with his piece “Elusive Thoughts” the 1. Prize in the international EARPLAY DONALD AIR COMPOSERS COMPETITION 2021 in San Francisco in USA
- September 2021: Tomasz Skweres plays recital with contemporary works for cello solo at the festival WARSAW AUTUMN with own pieces and works by other composers
- September 2021: Composer Portrait Concert of Tomasz Skweres in the National Library in Vienna on 2.9.2021
- April 2021: Tomasz Skweres wins with his piece “Dream about Gilgamesh” the 1. prize in the GILGAMESH INTERNATIONAL COMPOSITION COMPETITION 2021 in California in USA
- March 2021: release of a new CD “East West” of Duo Aliada by Hänssler Classics. Among works by such composers like Gershwin and Stravinsky also “Coffin Ship” for saxophone and accordion by Tomasz Skweres
- January 2021: Tomasz Skweres winns „Staatsstipendium für Komposition 2021“, Austrian State Scholarship for Composition 2021